
글로벌 링크

Introduction of Council

  • Chairman
    • Vice Chairman
      • Special Committee
  • Chairman and vice chairman : One chairman,one vice chairman
  • Council members : 7 members (2 electoral districts)

Council members

  • Council members consist of local governme nt and are selected through direct election by local residents. Acting as a representative for local residents, they are granted an authority for decision -making of local government and have a responsibility for diligent performance of the duties. They serve 4-year terms, and currently the Yeoju City Council consists of seven members.

Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • Chairman represents the council, arranges the proceedings, keeps order in the council and supervises the office business of the council. (Local Government Act Article No. 49)
    Vice chairman substitutes for the chairman in case of the chairman’s unavailability. (Local Government Act Article No. 51)
[Election and term]
  • Chairman and vice chairman are elected by secret ballot in general meeting, and one chairman and one vice chairman are elected. (Local Government Act Article No. 48)
    Chairman and vice chairman serve a term of two years each. (Local Government Act Article No. 48)
  • Chairman represents the council, and has various rights including the right to call for a regular and temporary meeting, right to request for holding a temporary session, right to maintain order in assembly hall, right to act as a supervisor for council administrative affairs, right to attend and speak at the council, right to transfer resolved ordinance to chief executive of local government, right to make an exceptional proclamation of confirmed ordinance, and right to approve resignations of council members when council is not in session.


  • Final decisions of a local council are made in a general meeting. At a committee meeting, a bill is examined primarily, and this is when a substantial review for the bill is performed.
  • There are two types of committees: standing committee and special committee. At Yeoju City Council, there is no standing committee, and special committees are established as needed according to an ordinance and perform a review.
  • Special committees are for ordinance review, budget and accounts, petition examination, administrative affairs auditing, and disciplinary tribunal. By a decision made at general meeting, they are operated over a limited period of time to deal with particular issues.