
글로벌 링크


Dear Yeoju citizens!
This is the chairman of the first-term of the 4th
Yeoju City Council, JUNG BYUNG KWAN

Citizens are the owners! Citizen’s happiness!
Yeoju City Council of Communication and Governance
Faithfully representing the residents, we are striving to develop the city and
to improve the residents’ quality of life.
여주시의회 의장 정병관 사진
We will build a competent and innovative council that humbly serves its residents.


Welcome to the Yeoju City Council website.

Carrying out work that is relevant to the everyday lives of the people, Yeoju City Council has been fulfilling its role and responsibilities as the servant and representative of the people.

The council will continue to and maintain checks and balances on the executive body of the city administration, faithfully represent your valuable opinions and try its utmost to make Yeoju a happier and more livable, people-centered city.

The council will develop policies that put the residents first above all else, pursue the common good and make sure all of its activities and work benefit the residents of Yeoju City.

Please leave your opinions and suggestions here if you experience any inconvenience or see areas that need improvement. We would like to ask for your continued support and interest towards Yeoju City Council.

Thank you.
Chairman of Yeoju City Council. Jung Byung Kwan